سعود تكريتي
2024-04-08 08:14

Does the Alphard actually have soundproofing, and is it effective?

Comments( 3 )

سعود طموح
سعود طموح2024-05-06 00:38
To be honest, adding those didn't make much difference on the highway [I want to be left alone]. I did add rims and a full interior, but for daily commuting, it's still okay.
حسين باسم
حسين باسم2024-04-12 09:22
I've done soundproofing, and honestly, the noise level at high speeds of 110-140 km/h feels the same. It's similar to a Cayenne.
محمد فادي
محمد فادي2024-04-11 08:21
Japanese cars generally use thinner materials, making a significant difference when they're reinforced, especially noticeable after driving at high speeds.