I'm considering getting a 911. How much of a discount can I expect now? The 4S is only offering 10%, and I feel that's too low.
Comments( 4 )
حسن إسحاق2024-05-18 19:04
I also couldn't make a deal at the store.
عبد العزيز نور2024-05-16 16:31
Starting at 15, around 17-20 is about right. The new model will be released at the end of the month, and there are discounts, but the discount is not very significant.
عمر زبيدي2024-05-16 15:51
Aren't second-hand cars appealing?
سلمان شعبان2024-05-14 22:32
Paid in full in March was 11, with a loan it should have been around 15, and now it's definitely more.