Hey fellow car enthusiasts, any McLaren 720S owners here? Is it prone to a lot of issues or minor problems? How does it compare to Ferrari models in the same price range?
Comments( 6 )
نايف زبيدي2023-06-14 08:43
Is there a McLaren available?
نايف زبيدي2023-05-29 18:48
There might be a noise if the door is left open for too long.
عمر خليل2023-05-29 13:51
Well, it all depends on which one you like.
محمود خالد2023-05-27 00:37
The quality control improved significantly after the 2019 models, whereas earlier models had quite a few minor issues.
1 replies
خالد ماجد2021-03-13 01:59
How to start the car?
نايف طاهر2021-03-12 11:42
McLaren's overall quality is quite good, and its brand influence is not really any less than Ferrari's. If you're considering buying one, it's definitely a good choice.