What's the fuel economy of your Mazda 6? Let me balance it out.
Comments( 19 )
سعود عَبْدُ الله2024-11-16 12:18
10 years, manual, around 9.
أسماء حسين2024-10-10 01:37
Where can I check the fuel consumption?
1 replies
خالد لاويل2024-10-06 21:48
Mazda 6 manual: 7.5 liters per 100 km without AC, 9 liters with AC.
2 replies
عبدالرحمن صارم2024-10-05 22:57
An old Mazda with 340,000 kilometers on it, consuming 12 liters per 100 kilometers, basically costing 1 RMB per kilometer. [I need some peace and quiet]
نايف حميد2024-10-04 19:16
09 manual... Entire highway trip with air conditioning, 850 kilometers on a single tank.
عبدالرحمن داود2024-09-30 22:24
I have an '07 Mazda6, consuming less than 8 liters of fuel. [I want to be alone]
سلمان حكم2024-09-29 21:45
Highway 9, City 12
عمر قيس2024-09-29 08:18
After watching it, I feel much better. [I want some peace and quiet]
1 replies
سلمان فيصل2024-09-26 22:48
I have a 2015 model, it consumes 9.3 with the air conditioning on. On the highway, it drops by two to three.