You can try the following steps to reset the tire pressure warning light:
1. **Check Tire Pressure:** First, ensure all your tires, including the spare, are inflated to the recommended pressure.
2. **Drive Your Car:** Sometimes, simply driving your car for a few miles can reset the warning light.
3. **Use the Reset Button:** Some vehicles have a reset button for the tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS). Check your owner's manual for its location and instructions.
4. **Disconnect the Battery:** As a last resort, you can disconnect the car battery for a few minutes to reset the system. However, this may reset other settings in your car.
If the warning light remains on, there might be an issue with the TPMS or a tire. It’s best to consult a professional mechanic to diagnose the problem.
Comments( 2 )
حسين عمر2020-12-23 16:57
Just go to the settings and save it again.
خالد هاماوي2020-12-23 10:16
The tire pressure value decreases after driving for a while. If it’s not addressed for a long time, you’ll need to reset it on the computer.