حسين طل
2024-08-23 21:26
I'm considering buying a 2013 Peugeot 508 with a 2.0 engine. How is this car and what's its current value?
Comments( 6 )
فهد خليف2024-10-22 09:08
15,000 to 23,000
سعود حازم2024-09-14 18:16
حسين طل2024-08-25 20:39
How much does it cost to replace a central control screen?
3 replies
علي ق2024-08-25 10:12
Around 20,000, for better condition maybe a bit more.
1 replies
سعود حمزة2024-08-24 21:30
I have the 2.3, the 2.0 might be a bit underpowered.
5 replies
محمد خدي2024-08-24 12:14
Ten to twenty thousand