I need help from everyone. When shifting from neutral to D gear, there's a noticeable jolt. What's causing this issue? Thanks a lot!
Comments( 5 )
عبدالرحمن أبو بكر2022-12-27 15:11
Common issues
حسن ابراهيم2022-01-28 16:55
Press the brake pedal a bit deeper.
سلمان مطلب2022-01-24 16:30
Common Issue with Five-Speed Gearbox: It Gets Better in Hot Weather
ناصر محمد2022-01-24 13:41
Me too, the car just surges forward.
سعود عبد المجيد2022-01-24 09:01
The car has a high idle and strong torque. Once you shift from N to D, it starts moving immediately, which is due to engine load. Also, make sure to press the brake pedal all the way down when shifting gears.