عبدالله ميسور
2024-09-13 11:25

Is it normal for a 2014 1.6L manual transmission car to have the RPM exceed 3000 when driving at 120-130 km/h on the highway?

Comments( 3 )

سلمان رضوان
سلمان رضوان2024-10-09 09:15
Manual is normal.
سلمان حافظ
سلمان حافظ2024-09-30 15:24
Normally, 3000-3500 is fine.
فهد مرشد
فهد مرشد2024-09-16 09:48
In a manual transmission car, at a speed of 120 km/h, the engine runs at around 3500 RPM. 😄