عبدالله قادر
2024-09-22 11:27
Does your 1.6 naturally aspirated engine consume oil too? Mine has only run about 90,000 kilometers, and after the last maintenance, I drove less than 2,000 kilometers before the oil light came on. When I checked the oil dipstick, it couldn't even reach the oil level.
Comments( 10 )
فهد آسيا2024-10-31 11:14
I don't think it's burning oil. Here's last year's record:
December 2023: Drained 3.5 liters from a 4-liter Castrol, added 3.5 liters, drove 1100 kilometers.
October 2024: Used an oil extractor to take out 3.5 liters from a 4-liter Mobil Super, added 3.5 liters.
سلمان حافظ2024-10-30 16:20
Not burnt.
سعود نوح2024-10-29 09:25
120,000, normal.
حسن موسى2024-10-20 16:13
My car has reached 170,000 kilometers and still hasn't burned any oil.
أحمد بندك2024-10-20 15:34
The engine oil definitely doesn't meet A5/B5 standards.
حسن حميد2024-10-18 09:44
Nearly 8 years and 60,000 kilometers with no oil consumption... 1.6 naturally aspirated automatic...
حسين هاشم2024-10-10 08:30
8w non-burning
سلمان زاهر2024-10-09 23:58
I have almost 100,000 and haven't found any.
حسين رأس2024-10-09 22:46
They boast so much, but does the Phoenix also burn? My car with 70,000 kilometers is still running perfectly fine.
سلمان لبيب2024-10-09 16:31
Has it been resolved? Mine is overheating too.