فهد شمس
2023-06-06 18:36

Hey guys with the 301, I'm feeling that the car noise is too loud. I just did maintenance two months ago and also replaced the tires with the original Giti 221. What's going on? The engine hood and trunk lid don't have any soundproof cotton. Would adding some help? Have any of you guys tried it?

Comments( 14 )

عبدالله ثمين
عبدالله ثمين2024-03-18 07:50
عبد العزيز هادي
عبد العزيز هادي2024-01-12 22:07
Yes, mine is also noisy, a 2016 model. How did you solve it?
1 replies
عبد العزيز عبيد
عبد العزيز عبيد2023-11-19 13:55
There is no sound insulation at the front and rear, the engine noise is really loud.
عمر تركي
عمر تركي2023-10-19 11:30
I can't be bothered to fix it. A car that costs tens of thousands isn't worth it.
حسن لقمان
حسن لقمان2023-09-07 15:37
Giti's tires [I want some peace and quiet]
فهد عائشة
فهد عائشة2023-08-12 21:08
Don't waste your money. If you really think the noise is too much, just spend around 1000 yuan on soundproofing. My friend's Skoda with a manual transmission got soundproofing done and it's great on the highway. The noise in the Peugeot 301 is too loud; at 50 km/h, you have to raise your voice to talk.
فهد أم
فهد أم2023-08-11 14:19
Adding soundproofing material under the hood can be useful. I switched to Continental CC6 tires, and the noise is quite loud at high speeds. However, it's fine for city driving and daily commutes.
صالح عبدالرحمن
صالح عبدالرحمن2023-08-05 10:10
Replace Michelin tires.
سلمان جم دين
سلمان جم دين2023-06-25 11:35
Covering one's ears while stealing a bell - Turn up the music!
فاروق فهد
فاروق فهد2023-06-22 18:18
Shifting to a lower gear in manual mode can reduce RPM, decrease engine noise, and save fuel.
2 replies