When the water temperature in your 3008 1.6T rises from 60 to 90 degrees, releasing the accelerator to around 1200 RPM causes a squeaking noise. After the water temperature rises to 90 degrees, it suddenly drops to 70, and when it rises back to 90, the noise disappears. However, you notice a burning smell like electric wire insulation. Additionally, there's an issue with the air conditioning—it sometimes fails to cool, and you have to restart the engine to get it to work.
Comments( 2 )
محمد قيس2024-10-21 21:57
Check the thermostat, the air conditioning issue can be solved by replacing the fan resistor for a few dozen bucks.
عبد الحكيم عمر2024-10-17 22:47
Check the circuits. A professional automotive electrician is more reliable.