Guys, it's July already, and it's still not available...
Comments( 9 )
عبدالله تامر2024-07-04 13:34
Will the number of pre-orders in July possibly affect the final pricing? 😁
4 replies
نايف كريم2024-07-04 10:47
October end
1 replies
نايف كريم2024-07-04 10:47
Early September
فهد أرسلان2024-07-02 10:19
The new 212 will be released in August, so we'll need to wait patiently for over a month. A bit of a wait is no big deal, let's just hope there are fewer minor issues when it launches.
3 replies
نايف أزهر2024-07-02 09:00
I'm only about 100 kilometers away from the manufacturer and I'm considering whether to pick up the car directly from there.
3 replies
عبدالله تامر2024-07-02 00:55
A regional version from Yunliang mentions 20, so the original version is estimated to be around 14-15.
2 replies
سعود إدريسي2024-07-01 22:49
18 and up [I want to be alone]
خالد مسعود2024-07-01 15:28
End of August
حسن أيوبي2024-07-01 14:36
It's frustrating. When the Traveler was released, there were tons of new posts every day in car enthusiast circles. But for the 212, it's just one or two a day...