The 2008 model doesn't have automatic air conditioning or physical buttons for the AC, making it hard to adjust to a comfortable setting. Frequently using the screen to adjust can be distracting. Do you have any good solutions for this? Also, it's been raining a lot recently, causing more fogging. Turning on the defogger feels like hot air, and when you turn it off, you need to adjust the AC again. 🤔
Comments( 10 )
أحمد أبشير2024-08-19 14:48
There are two physical buttons for the air conditioning.
صادق حسين2024-08-16 10:29
When the humidity is high, don't turn off the internal circulation.
عمر عرفات2024-08-04 20:41
Afraid of heat and with poor air quality in the city, I never open the windows. I keep the air conditioning at the coldest setting all summer, and I don't find it troublesome at all.
خالد بشار2024-08-03 22:24
Generally, start by setting it to max, and when it gets warm, turn it to the minimum. No need to touch the screen.
عبدالرحمن زايد2024-08-01 00:13
Exactly! The only thing I'm not satisfied with is the air conditioning controls. After defogging, I have to press the button again. It's like they really want us to play piano with those piano keys. [I need a moment]
حسين موسى2024-07-23 18:42
I used to think piano keys were fancy, but after trying them out, they're not as practical as two knobs. [I want some quiet time]
علي ميمون2024-07-23 08:13
In the summer, my screen interface always shows the air conditioning [shocked].
نايف حافظ2024-07-23 05:56
The air conditioning controls are really inconvenient!
سعود زيلاخ2024-07-22 23:44
Can the volume knob be modified to adjust the air conditioning temperature?