سلمان وحيد
2024-11-27 18:51

Is it advisable to purchase a second-hand 2023 model 009?

Comments( 5 )

حسن سلمان
حسن سلمان2024-11-29 16:12
Absolutely not worth buying. First, the absence of the new version of intelligent driving, which can be unused but shouldn't be missing, is a big drawback (it's expected to be available by the end of the year). Even a weaker new intelligent driving system is better than the current Israeli MB, which is known to be quite inadequate and won't be updated in the future. Secondly, the 2023 model's single-chamber air suspension experience is poor, it lacks a 220V power socket inside, and the 20 loudspeaker sound system is muddy. The 2024 model has improved significantly in these areas. Finally, the dealer's quotes are outrageous, each more greedy than the last. A reasonable price for a recent 2023 model should be around 200,000. As a buyer, if you can't find this price, it's better to wait. Don't let dealers take advantage of you. Next year, many 40W priced SUVs and MPVs like the N9 will be even more competitive. The new 2025 model of the 009 will definitely drop prices substantially to attract users, and at that time, getting a 2024 model with Israeli intelligent driving for 200,000 would be a good deal. By then, you can consider getting the 2023 model for 150,000.
2 replies
حسين باهر
حسين باهر2024-11-27 23:06
Almost 25.
أحمد توفيق
أحمد توفيق2024-11-27 20:17
Check out the 2025 Voyah Dreamer, it's got great value for money!
سلمان لبيب
سلمان لبيب2024-11-27 19:22
What’s the price?
حسين تاج
حسين تاج2024-11-27 19:08
There are no cars that are not worth buying, only prices that are not worth paying.
2 replies