Car Service
BYD Seal
BYD Seal Reviews and Q&A in UAE
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سلمان جمال
Dec 6 update
BYD Seal
Do I need to install a battery and motor guard?
علي يزيد
Dec 6 update
BYD Seal
How long does it typically take from ordering to delivery for the 2025 600 4WD Intelligent Driving Top Model? If I order now, can I still get it registered before the end of the year?
علي جمال الدين
Dec 5 update
BYD Seal
The sales of the Seal are quite poor this year. Should they consider lowering the price and adding more features next year to stay competitive?
حسن جعفر
Dec 5 update
BYD Seal
What is the color of the black paint for the 2023 model?
حسن ميمون
Dec 5 update
BYD Seal
Hey folks, the 4S shop contacted me about replacing the central control screen. Has anyone else received this notification? This is for the 2025 BYD Seal.
معاوية عمر
Dec 2 update
BYD Seal
Why are there only 10 Dynaudio loudspeakers visible in the 2025 BYD Seal EV with a 650 km range, even though it's supposed to have 12? Does anyone know? Also, is the one in the trunk not working?
عمر بارزاني
Dec 2 update
BYD Seal
Ask fellow Haval owners, have you encountered issues with the sensitivity of the rain sensor wipers? The raindrops cover the windshield, but the wipers don't activate. The slow speed is too fast, making it inconvenient to use.
علي أكرم
Dec 1 update
BYD Seal
I want to ask the owners who bought the BYD Seal for 200,000, now that it's on the same level as the BYD Qin, do you feel any difference in your heart? I'm a BYD Han owner, and with the price dropping from 200,000 to 170,000, I already feel a drop in class!
سلمان شرف
Dec 1 update
BYD Seal
Why is the heated steering wheel always bundled with smart driving packages? Can't a car that's nearly 190,000 even have a heated steering wheel? [facepalm]
حارثي سعود
Nov 30 update
BYD Seal
The design of the Seal really matches my aesthetic. But why aren't the sales good? Probably because the value for money isn't high. Do you think a price cut of 50,000 would help? Has it been abandoned?
فهد طائي
Nov 29 update
BYD Seal
If you ask me why I chose the Seal, it's still because of its looks. It's just so cool and handsome.
عبدالله خضير
Nov 28 update
BYD Seal
Why has the interior turned into a large glass panel?
نايف ضياء
Nov 27 update
BYD Seal
Has anyone noticed increased noise sometimes during winter driving in the Seal 2025, when temperatures are around 1 degree? Is it the battery heating system kicking in?
أحمد فايز
Nov 26 update
BYD Seal
Why is everyone recommending BYD? I'm thinking about buying a car, and initially, I wasn't really fond of BYD's design. It felt quite conventional and a bit old-fashioned, so I wasn't planning to choose it. However, later on, people around me kept saying BYD is good, but it seems like everyone has different reasons. So, I'm curious, fellow car enthusiasts, why did you choose BYD in the first place?
حسين فريدة
Nov 26 update
BYD Seal
Is it necessary to touch up some paint that got scratched off under the car's front light?
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