Toyota Raize 2023 full V and Stander explain the differences between them with prices


The video provides a detailed overview of the 2023 Toyota Raiz, discussing its features, specifications, and differences between the standard and full options.
1. The 2023 Toyota Raiz is available in two variants: standard and fully equipped;
2. The standard variant has nice specifications but lacks some features compared to the fully equipped variant;
3. Both variants have similar design elements but different engine specifications;
4. The fully equipped variant offers more power and additional features such as advanced safety options;
5. The pricing for the standard variant starts at 67,300 SAR, while the fully equipped variant is priced at 75,350 SAR.

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Video Summary
<p>The video provides a detailed overview of the 2023 Toyota Raiz, discussing its features, specifications, and differences between the standard and full options.<br>1. The 2023 Toyota Raiz is available in two variants: standard and fully equipped;<br>2. The standard variant has nice specifications but lacks some features compared to the fully equipped variant;<br>3. Both variants have similar design elements but different engine specifications;<br>4. The fully equipped variant offers more power and additional features such as advanced safety options;<br>5. The pricing for the standard variant starts at 67,300 SAR, while the fully equipped variant is priced at 75,350 SAR.</p>
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