HomeNewsThe all-new Toyota Prado 2024 photograph all categories with prices

The all-new Toyota Prado 2024 photograph all categories with prices


The video provides a detailed overview of the new Toyota Land Cruiser Prado, discussing its design, features, engine specifications, and pricing.
1. The new Prado features a modern design with improved visibility from the driver's seat;
2. It is equipped with advanced technology including four cameras and radar systems;
3. Engine options include a 2.4-liter turbocharged engine delivering 278 horsepower;
4. The video highlights the vehicle's fuel efficiency and storage features;
5. Pricing details for different models are provided, with the top model priced at 18850 Kuwaiti Dinars.

Prices of the new Prado Wx 21,250 D.K 21,200 D.K TX three categories The highest denomination = 18,850 D.K Average = 17,650 D.K Minimum = 16,850 D.K BX lowest score 15,750 D.K
Video Summary
<p>The video provides a detailed overview of the new Toyota Land Cruiser Prado, discussing its design, features, engine specifications, and pricing.<br>1. The new Prado features a modern design with improved visibility from the driver's seat; <br>2. It is equipped with advanced technology including four cameras and radar systems; <br>3. Engine options include a 2.4-liter turbocharged engine delivering 278 horsepower; <br>4. The video highlights the vehicle's fuel efficiency and storage features; <br>5. Pricing details for different models are provided, with the top model priced at 18850 Kuwaiti Dinars.</p>